1.All content originally designed by our company, including but not limited to design drawings, renderings, etc., is copyrighted by Proteomicsera Medical Technology Co., Ltd. and is protected by the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws.
2. No company, media, website, or individual may use our company's research plans and products for commercial, profit-making, or advertising purposes. Any reproduction, linking, reposting, or other means of copying and publishing copyrighted content by our company shall indicate the source and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the rights holder. When users use our company's original design patents for non-commercial purposes, they shall comply with legal provisions and shall not infringe upon the rights and interests of Dansheng (Beijing) Medical Technology Co., Ltd. and related rights holders.
3. Any image or other content that the rights holder declares not to be reproduced shall not be reproduced by any organization or individual.
4. Any unauthorized use of all copyrighted content by our company will be held accountable by our company in accordance with the law to protect our own copyright interests.
Hereby declare.